

Planes - by John White
C Tutorial - Part 2
3D Tutorial - Polygons
More 3D - Phong Shading

Personal Paint Tutorial - Part 1; Please Note that this is an Amigaguide, so you need to set up your browser, or view it separately (Mag5/PPaint_Tutorial/PP_Tutorial_1.Guide).
HTML Tutorial
Installer Scripts
Using ShapeShifter


Microvetic M1438S

PD Reviews - Bargain Buys!

DoubleClick's Review Policy - Read It!

Amiga General

Gateway 2000 WOA Speech
Petro Tyschtschenko's Speech at AAi
Amiga Inc Question&Answer Session at Amiga Users Meeting
PowerPC, Alpha or Pentium? - The Amiga's New Processor...
Chipsets vs Graphics Cards
Mac Games? Why No Amiga Games?
Rip Off Amiga Add-Ons?
Amiga Models - Now and the Future
Amiga List - List of Currently Available Amigas
Made With Amiga
Ways to Save Amiga
Gateway 2000 / Amiga International - An Assessment
Microvetic Monitor Discontinued???

If Apple Went Bust...
MicroSoft Charity?
Internet Explorer vs Netscape
Tamagotchi and The Babysitter
Amiga Ethernet Cards

Amiga History - Part Five
Common Acronyms
Amiga Monitors
Spectrum Emulation

Stephen Graham's Monthly Guide! Again, please note that this is an Amigaguide, so you need to set up your browser, or view it separately (Mag5/

From the Web

Hurrah! This section returns this issue with...
Advantages and Disadvantages on the Unified Memory Architecture - From Phase 5 about their Caipirinha chipset.

Articles Index - This is for 'Computing' and 'Other' sections.

Just click on the one you want...